Yes He Does


When I heard that we were going to share about a time God answered our prayers I was like, “you want me to fit this into a blog?” LOL!

There’s so many moments where God has answered my prayers, but I immediately remembered a specific time when He did. One that stuck out more so over any other time.

Now this goes back many decades ago (yes I just admitted I’m old!). I was 15 years old and just got settled into my sophomore year of high school. I can remember it clearly: We just celebrated my dad’s birthday, and I had already gone to bed later that night. Suddenly I was woken up by my mom telling me dad was sick and we had to take him to the hospital. To make a long story short, my dad suffered an aneurism that evening, and died at the hospital the next morning. Everything happened so quickly, but yet I can vividly remember every single moment till the time we took him off life support. I remember sitting in the waiting room as we were waiting for my brother to come home from Germany (he was in the army and stationed there for a couple years) so he could see our dad before being taken off life support. While sitting in the waiting room, I prayed... I prayed hard. There were lots of prayers going on that day. Lots of people coming to show support and praying with me and the family, but there was a moment where I was alone, sitting there praying to God asking the biggest question: WHY?? Why is this all happening? What am I going to do? What happens now? Man, I tell you it was a prayer that felt like it lasted an eternity, but I know it was only a few minutes. I knew God was the only person at that moment who could comfort and provide peace that we tend to seek when losing a love one. I didn’t expect Him to answer my prayer right away. I knew it was in His time. That He would reveal it when I was ready. He was preparing me for that time.

My questions earlier when I was in that waiting room: What am I gonna do and what happens now? Fast forward to today. Well, I’m married to my beautiful wife. I’m living in an awesome community. I’m serving at an amazing church. I’m part of an amazing ministry with JesusWalk. Does God answer prayers? I can confidently answer, Yes He does! 


Ray Cruz