

jenn cruz

Hello there! My name is Jenn Cruz and I am the person behind lovethatletters. I started this journey in lettering and art in January 2015, by starting an Instagram account. My motivation and goal was to break up your feed for just a moment (you know, in-between all the selfies and food pictures) with a nugget of God's word. I had those who do not know Jesus in mind, that they might catch a little more than just the lettering and florals. That post by post an interest in Jesus might grow, and for those who already know Jesus, that we might build a community of sharing love and encouragement. So I woke up one morning and thought I'd give this whole thing a try. That is how in the most amazing way I was reminded that God can do CRAZY, AMAZING THINGS with even a tiny pinch of willingness and a dash of availability. Where we'll go from here? Only God knows! Thank you for stopping by!
