Revelation 3:20

Knock, knock! Who’s there?I’ve always been one to enjoy a good joke, but this knock knock joke is no joke. This is a wake up call to open the door and recognize who’s knocking!“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and o…

Knock, knock! Who’s there?

I’ve always been one to enjoy a good joke, but this knock knock joke is no joke. This is a wake up call to open the door and recognize who’s knocking!

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20

In this verse, Jesus is standing at the door of a church in Laodicea. He’s knocking at a church that had been lukewarm, but He’s standing at the door, willingly waiting for those who have the desire to have a relationship with Him despite the lukewarm-factor of the church.

While studying this, the church of Laodicea reminded me of myself. I may have a lukewarm life of faith but God is still knocking on my heart, and is ready to come into my heart, just as long I open the door for him.

However, questions rose. Would you let a stranger into your house and let them eat with you? How would you know if that person is Jesus? Jesus says “if anyone hears [his] voice” to open the door for Him, but how exactly do we know that the voice belongs to Jesus? There are so many questions but all it takes is one open heart to let in an overflowing grace into the place.

I end this to encourage you; the next time you hear God’s call on your heart, open the door! Open your heart and let him pour into you, so you will spiritually be full of His grace. Come on, this is a chance to eat with Jesus! How cool is that!?

Pia Daroy