Proverbs 27:17


“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17

I believe that God provides what you need when you need it. God knew I needed a village to help me in this world. He gave me amazing people who’ve been there since I was a fetus, well tenth grade. I won’t say how old I am, but those people have tenure in my life! LOL!

Between then and now, I’ve been sharp, and I’ve been dull. When I was sharp, God allowed me to sharpen others. When I was dull, He had people prepared to sharpen me. What I’m getting at is friends are important. Especially the ones that build you up and grow with you. It’s a beautiful thing to have friends that allow room for failure as well because then God’s grace and unconditional love are mirrored. I can’t even imagine how it would’ve been if my friends (they’re more like family now) didn’t know the grace and love that God has given us. I’ve failed them so many times and yet just like God they still choose to stay. (SHOUT OUT TO THEM HOMIES!) We sharpen each other and it’s a beautiful thing to look back at how much we’ve gone through.

In this season of my life I’m going through waves and waves and waves. It gets tough to keep my head above the water. There are times where I just want to drown because man it’s the easy way out, but it’s not meant to be easy. It’s also something I don’t have to go through alone so by God’s grace He’s sent people who help me through this. He sent His son. The Holy Spirit. My friends. My friends pray for me and they encourage me that this season will pass and man is it an amazing thing to know that people pray for me. God’s amazing and sends what you need when you need it. He knew I needed these people (another shoutout to the homies!). They encourage me. They pray for me. They sharpen me.