First Defense

Prayer can be difficult for me sometimes; especially if I don’t get an answer from God right away. Despite that, however, I’m constantly reminded to continually pray and to fervently seek Him. Like what my Mom always reminds me, “prayer should be ou…

Prayer can be difficult for me sometimes; especially if I don’t get an answer from God right away. Despite that, however, I’m constantly reminded to continually pray and to fervently seek Him. Like what my Mom always reminds me, “prayer should be our first line of defense, not our last resort”.

This was a reminder I carried with me as I entered my first year of college. Due to the distance, I could no longer go to my weekly Bible studies as easily as I used to and my faith in God grew weaker. I was learning to put in an effort to meet with God during my own time, rather than relying on the Bible studies that were scheduled.

I set alarms to read my Bible, scheduled time it into my calendar, and posted reminders on my phone and throughout the room just to spend some devotional time but nothing was working. Prayer, at this time, was my last resort. I was looking towards worldly provisions to get me back to God but I needed God to bring me back to Him.

God was working and doing things in my life and I didn’t even know it. Through prayer and earnest seeking, God pointed me to join a computer science club geared towards women empowerment in STEM. In this club, I met another girl who had mutuals with me. Through this club, I met a new friend, another prayer warrior that I soon started having Bible studies with.

To this day we still continue to meet, and my faith has only been growing through faith abounded. My curiosity to know more about God is continually wandering and yearning for more answers. Prayer brought me to meet more people and to learn more about His prophecies with them.

Pia Daroy