All For Love


One day when I was teaching Sunday school, the resurrection was brought up. It wasn’t part of the lesson plan, but since the topic was brought up, I thought why not talk about it? During the conversation, baptism was also brought up, and they asked how you know when you’re ready  to be baptized. While I was explaining it to them, I don’t know what came over me, I just became filled with emotion. Then again, it’s kind of hard to not get emotional when you think about what God did for us. The least we could do is giving up ourselves, and surrendering to Him. Like, seriously, sacrificing His own son, for us?? What. The most perfect person, dying for the most imperfect people. Who else but God is filled with so much love for others, that they would have their child, a living embodiment of them, to die for people who don’t deserve it? I think about this statement a lot; If there were 1000 steps between you and God, he would take 999 steps, just so you could take that one step closer to Him.

Lexi Viray