You Tore The Veil

It’s Friday. The Friday before Easter Sunday. Good Friday. I’ve always wondered why this day was considered good. It’s the day that signified the death of my savior. The day he was beaten and mocked for who he was. It dawned on me that without his d…

It’s Friday. The Friday before Easter Sunday. Good Friday. I’ve always wondered why this day was considered good. It’s the day that signified the death of my savior. The day he was beaten and mocked for who he was. It dawned on me that without his death on the cross there would be no way for me and you and every single person with a beating heart to get to God. So here’s my thoughts on why Good Friday is Good Friday.

In Matthew 27, it talks about The Death of Jesus. Verse 46 caught my attention. This was the time that Jesus was on the cross. It was the ninth hour, darkness came over the land and, in that moment, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Being raised in a Christian household, I’ve always seen this verse used during Easter. I never really put much thought to it until I got older. Why did Jesus say this? Did God really forsake him? To answer those questions, Jesus said this because in that moment God and Jesus were separated. Because of the sin that Jesus took on, his father had to look the other way. I thought to myself, how lonely my savior must’ve felt because of my sin, your sin, the sin of the world. Gosh I can never think about this and not be in tears. They were separated in that moment so that we would NEVER be separated from the love of God through Jesus Christ (Rom 8:38-39). God promised us through his son that he will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5). There will be difficult circumstances and things that make it feel like we were abandoned, but guess what, Jesus death on the cross assures us that we will never be alone. God made a way to him through his son. Upon the death of Jesus, the curtain was torn in half. At that time the curtain symbolized the separation between man and God. Jesus died in order for us to be able to come to God freely. So, it is finished. Not to worry though, Sunday is coming!

Denise Monton