John 14:23


Well this was a tough one! So much awesome scripture to choose from. My heart landed on this one to share with you today: 

"Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." 

The first part of that verse is reminds us that love and obedience go together. "Love is the root, obedience is the fruit." If you say you love Christ in word, naturally you obey Him in action. The promise that comes after that is what I love about this passage.

He promises that He and the Father will love us. They will love us and come make a home with us. I am a homebody. Maybe it's the introvert part of me that loves to just be home? I love the comfort of home. The warmth of home. The safety of home. If we love God and follow His commands he wants to become all those things for us. Our comfort, our warmth, our safety. He doesn't just want to quickly visit and leave. He wants to take up residence and live with us. Now who wouldn't want to go home to that? :)

Jennifer Cruz2 Comments